
You might be familiar with the days when you and your agency members are least motivated to get things done. You have a long list of to-do tasks in front of you, and all you could do is beat around the bush and see your valuable time slip away from your hand. This isn’t bizarre; in fact, it is one of the most common problems employees face at their work. A problem that needs an ingenious solution that allows you to be always productive without getting derailed.

So here we are to introduce you to 4 top reasons your employees’ can’t focus on their tasks and how to overcome them with StarAgent modelling agency management software. So, let’s get going!

Reason #1: They Are Demotivated And Bored

You are dosing off on your desk, running on unlimited coffee, still feeling sluggish! Sounds too frequent? I bet your employees are feeling similar too. The reason? You all are probably demotivated. Having to do a lot of different tasks or doing the task without enough resources over and over again can imbibe a sense of demotivation in the minds of your employees, resulting in a lot of confusions and a lot more unfocused work. 

All these discomfort points towards some of the common reasons prevalent in many organisations, which are micromanagement, not being able to track the work done, using multiple software to do your stuff, inability to access the right tools, not being aware of the deadlines and poor management. In a nutshell, you are missing out on a robust task management system.

The Solution?

Well, to aid the sluggishness, many research and studies have shown that taking a brisk walk outside and chugging in a large glass of water can do wonders to get out of that sagging stage. Get some fresh air and sunlight, and you will be freshened up to take up another task. Your employees would be happy to get such downtime! As for your management functions, your modelling agency can always rely on StarAgent talent agency management software to manage all the agency tasks. It has a wealth of tools and features that are made particularly to provide ease in carrying out agency works. 

Assign your employees with tasks, provide all the details and necessary admin controls so they are motivated to complete the job easily and efficiently. With StarAgent, they can relieve their work stress using different innovative tools, some of which are mentioned below that help them do and track their tasks effortlessly.


Highlighted Features For Task Management
  • Advanced searching with many filter options to search anything in no time.
  • Organised folders to keep your resources in place.
  • Centralised location to manage everything from one place. 
  • Calendar view to view and record all the tasks according to the dates. 
  • Due dates and times to meet deadlines.
  • Task assignees so everyone in the agency knows who’s responsible for a particular job.
  • Project status for quick recognition.
  • Reminders to get task notifications.


Highlighted Features For Work Flexibility 
  • User status to identify the employees who are active and inactive.
  • Team management tools for managing team members efficiently.
  • Set restricted access to sensitive projects.
  • Create public projects for everyone from your organisation to access.
  • Search anything from any tab with dedicated search panels.
  • Create channels or communicate directly with StarAgent’s in-built communication system.
  • Custom Q&A tool to provide necessary details essential to your team’s efficient workflow.

Reason #2: Lack Of Flexibility

All employees crave flexible working. It’s this feature in the workplace that decides how productive they will be, and they need it in every possible way, be it in working hours, software, place of work or the tools required. When your agency is involved in performing a wide array of duties on a daily basis along with delegating multiple tasks to employees, you might forget to give necessary access and controls for the work to be done efficiently. This, in turn, restricts them to do their job in a productive way. Remember that flexibility in working helps in achieving increased employee satisfaction and improved morale.

The Solution!

Your modelling agency just needs the right software that can provide enough flexibility to the right person. StarAgent’s admin controls allow you to grant access to elements on an individual basis so they can access the right set of information they require in doing their daily tasks. It has a huge set of admin user rights that you can use to provide the necessary administrative control to work in the agency. Not just that, with the use of many remote-working friendly features, you can even allow your employees to work from anywhere they want.

Reason #3: You Have Too Many Irons In The Fire

When we say you have too many irons in the fire, it doesn’t just mean that you have tons of tasks to do; rather, it also signals about the multiple software you have to juggle between to get things done. And it serves as a big factor in wasting you and your employees valuable time by focusing on unwanted stuff rather than on the important tasks. A study titled ‘The Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed and Stress’ found that people were less productive when they were constantly interrupted. And using different software for data storage, communication, documents, projects, etc., adds to this interruption. This then leads to higher stress levels and unsatisfactory work among your team members.

The Solution?

Start by setting up a clutter-free space conducive to highly focused work. Then create a list of tasks based on priorities and start doing them one by one. Stop training your brain to be unfocussed, as David Rock (co-founder of the Neuroleadership Institute) said, instead begin to focus on your multiple tasks one by one. When you do one task at a given time, you tend to concentrate more on it than when managing multiple tasks at once. This dramatically impacts the quality of work’s output and the mindset with which you and your team members do tasks. 

You can also allot time blocks for each specific task. This instils an urgency to complete that work before the stipulated time as opposed to stretching the tasks endlessly in front of you. Also, don’t forget to allow repeated breaks after each task has been done or else your team might get worn out easily with just a couple of tasks completed. And you surely won’t love that!

With StarAgent, you can further cut down all distractions and focus on the main tasks using an array of modelling agency management tools. It has the solution for all your needs that would have otherwise demanded separate tools and software. It is an amalgam of all the things you require while doing your tasks to provide you with a rich yet calm digital workspace. Want to know more? Below are some of the notable features that can help you and your team to concentrate on the agency tasks efficiently. 

Highlighted Features For Maintaining Focus
  • Built-in instant-chat and team conversations.
  • Break up your entire work into smaller, manageable tasks with ‘My Tasks’.
  • Dedicated space for managing clients, projects, packages, talents, jobs and more. 
  • Centralised location to store all the folders, files and docs required for working in one place. 
  • Analytics to stay updated with the happenings across your entire organisation.
  • Track everything using the agency performance metrics to visualise the important checkpoints and the daily works.
  • Reminders to remind you when each of your tasks has to be started.


Highlighted Features For Work Organisation
  • Real-time dashboard with organised information to get a bird’s eye view of what’s happening across the agency.
  • Dedicated folders to store different documents.
  • Notes feature to take notes for individual elements- projects, clients, talents.
  • Separate team chat and talent chat spaces that can be easily accessed.
  • User calendar and talent calendar to never get mixed up with other’s tasks.
  • Tags to filter out and extract the required data.
  • Separate toolset for each space to do the tasks efficiently.

Reason #4: Poor Organization 

Your employees can never put in their 100% efforts if they are experiencing poor organisational values in their duties. Your employees have a lot of tasks to complete, and all those tasks would often require some assets, information, tools and details. When they are not able to find the required thing at the right time, it points towards an urgency in getting everything organised.

Not being organised leads to poor management functions, time wastage and hinders the ability to do the tasks in the desired manner. It also creates a feeling of heavy workload because they often leave one task incomplete for not finding what they need leading to a huge bundle of incomplete tasks. Poor organisation is also the reason why we waste so much time in endless searches. 

Adopting an organised work culture has a lot of benefits. Firstly, you and your employees can work with a calm mindset, find the required things within seconds, coordinate easily, achieve goals quickly and have a more balanced workflow. These benefits are just a few; there’s an endless list of other benefits you get with keeping everything organised.

The Solution?

Using StarAgent, you can up your organisation game to a whole new level by creating a digital workspace that caters to all your organisational needs, be it in your tasks, storage, communication or management. Once you open your StarAgent workspace, you can see every little piece of information presented in an organised manner. There are separately dedicated spaces for the projects, clients, packages, jobs, bookings, chats, talents, etc. You can even store all your data in a specific place, so everyone knows where to find what.

Rediscover Your Focus!

Getting your employees to focus on their work requires you to provide them with a workspace ready to serve as a resource. And with a smart digital workspace like StarAgent, that’s totally made for talent agencies; the work becomes goals. And achieving goals can give them greater satisfaction than just crossing off their humongous to-do lists. 

With StarAgent, you and your team would be on the way to rediscover productivity at a whole new level. Give StarAgent a try!